I have conducted a survey, to close peers- I have a good sample size and have gained some valid results. As it stands these are the statistics that I will use in my documentary.
Over the past year have you experienced symptoms of anxiety and depression?
- Yes- 78.57%
- No- 14.29%
- Prefer not to say- 7.14%
Do you truly believe there is a crisis in men's mental health?
- Yes- 92.86%
- No- 7.14%
Are you aware of any suicide/mental health services?
- Yes- 71.43%
- No- 28.57%
Have you had mental health problems?
- Yes- 78.57%
- No- 21.43%
If so did you receive any treatment?
- Yes- 14.29%
- No- 78.57%
- Havent had mental health problems- 7.14%
Do you feel as if you can't open up?
- Yes- 71.43%
- No- 21.43%
- Prefer not to say- 7.14%
Have you ever had suicidal thoughts?
- Yes- 64.29%
- No- 35.71
In your own words what can be done to fix this problem?
- Use your negative emotions as drive to become a better version of yourself
- People should come together and understand that men can have traumatic experiences and shouldn’t be afraid to show emotion
- People should come together and understand that men can have traumatic experiences and shouldn’t be afraid to show emotion
- Spread awareness and show that men can have feelings and that they aren’t weak if they do open up. Get rid of the stereotypical man up way
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