Over the course of time, I have spent researching different documentary styles and topics I have decided to base my documentary around the idea of men's mental health. Mental health is an extremely broad, vast, and expansive subject. Due to this issue, I have been trying to narrow down my ideas and research into certain areas of this topic and have come up with a few various questions which could become the topic of my documentary.
Throughout my research, I noticed certain patterns within the subject of men's mental health which consist of:
- The stigma of men not being able to open up about emotion.
- Record and rising levels of male suicides in the UK
- Social media impacts the awareness of the issue
- COVIDs relation to men's mental health
After finding these conventions of the subject matter, I would like to focus my attention on the impact of rising men's mental health awareness
Which has enabled me to come up with the question I would like to pose,
What is the impact of rising awareness for men's mental health?
I want the documentary to focus on a number of interviews to create statistics, I would then like to analyze answers, by comparing them to each other and finding out if there is a consensus between men regardless of age or background.
I also plan to analyze what has happened due to this rising issue:
- Mental health programs that have been introduced to try and deal with this issue
- Statistics - whether they are rising or falling
- A conclusion- to whether this issue is able to be mitigated or not.
I have also been looking at focusing on the idea that social media has raised awareness and potentially contributed to solving this global crisis. I have come up with the question:
How has social media contributed to the rising awareness of men's mental health?
I think that this idea would make a really good documentary, however, I feel that it wouldn't be as interesting as filming about how we are seeing the globalization of this issue.
For this idea, I don't think it would be as interview-based and led but more statistic based which I don't really want. I want to hear public opinions on men's mental health from more of a personal point of view. I also feel this idea would subject a certain age group which wouldn't allow me to compare my findings in a very detailed way.
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